Forensic Project Profile Links

Whitesburg , Kentucky Water Treatment Plant
Water treatment plant settled differentially
due to poor site conditions and poor construction

Frankfort , Kentucky Karst Home Site
Property purchased for home construction
unbuildable due to existing sink holes

Western Kentucky County Landfill
Sanitary landfill permit challenged by neighbors

Danville , Kentucky Concrete Slab Failure
Concrete slab failure of dusting, spalling,
crazing, and blistering due to
excessive moisture and over working during finishing

Bowling Green, Kentucky Natural Gas Main Failure
Gas leak in 2 inch steel main
results in the burning of four homes

Charleston , West Virginia Slope Stability Failure
Slope failures and excessive foundation settlement
at discount department store
at end of construction phase

Morehead, Kentucky Settlement Failure
Excessive post construction foundation settlement
at discount department store
due to consolidation of alluvium and residuum under the weight of up to 40 feet of shot rock fill.

Harlan, Kentucky Cut Slope Dispute
Loss of lateral support created
by steep cut slope at property line

Boyd County, Kentucky Cut Slope Failure
Cut slope behind new elementary school
causes slope failure  and
causes the school building to heave

Paducah, Kentucky Pile Foundation Cost Dispute
Construction cost dispute concerning
the installation of piling
for a barge painting facility

Louisville, Kentucky Groundwater
Contamination and Transport

Paint waste at a manufacturing facility
allegedly poisoned several horses
four miles away

Bell County, Kentucky Slope Failure
Slope failures in colluvial slopes
after grading mountainous site
for middle school facility and access road

Clay County, Kentucky Pavement Failure
Pavement failure at high school facility
during first school year after construction

Hazard, Kentucky Fast Food
Restaurant Settlement Failure
Fast food restaurant built over hidden coal mine
silt pond settles differentiallymore than 18 inches

Hazard, Kentucky Hospital Settlement Failure
Hospital facility build with mixed foundations on over
80 feet of undifferentiated mine spoil
settles differentially settlemove than 1 foot

Hazard, Kentucky Motel Settlement Failure
Motel facility built on 100 feet of undifferentiated mine spoil settled over 30 inches and was never occupied

Floyd County, Kentucky Slope Failure
Slope instabilities below a closed surface coal mine
caused by erosion by stream of toe of reclaimed slope

Pike County, Kentucky Slope Failure
Slope instabilities of natural mountain adjacent to a
closed deep coal mine used to challenge environmental propriety of deep mining in Eastern Kentucky

Elizabethtown, Kentucky Landfill Karst Groundwater
City challenged private inert landfill permit
due to hydrologic connection between
sinkholes on landfill site and
ground water supplying the City

Jacksonville, Florida Sewerline Vibration Damage
A storm sewer construction project
using vibratory sheet piling
faced property damage claim

Richmond, Kentucky Landfill Karst Groundwater
The County Government challenged
sanitary landfill permit of its largest town

Middle Tennessee Hospital Pavement Failure
Pavement failure at hospital facility
before hospital opens

Other Recent Cases For Which Mr. Cheeks
Provided Forensic Engineering Services
Profiles Not Available At This Time

Owensboro, Kentucky Bell Tower Settlement Failure

  Louisville, Kentucky Shale Embankment Failure

Hazard, Kentucky Retaining Wall Failure

Jackson, Kentucky Retaining Wall Failure

HardinCounty Landfill Permit Challenge

London, Kentucky Fill Settlement

Prestonsburg, Kentucky Fill Settlement House

Prestonsburg, Kentucky Fill Settlement Golf Club House

Jackson County , Kentucky Limestone Mine Subsidence
Failure of New Water Tank at Surface

Morehead Walmart Settlement

Fort Wright, Kentucky Residence Landslide

Mercer County, Kentucky Sanitary Sewer Extra Claim

Wilder, Kentucky Condominium Settlement

Legal and Ethical Responsibility Due to Sealing Plans


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